Alternative MBA: How Augment is Challenging Tradition

Augment's alternative MBA is here to shatter the mold of traditional MBA programs. Learn how their modern approach equips you with the entrepreneurial skills you need to navigate the business world.

Alternative MBA: How Augment is Challenging Tradition

What is an MBA?

A Master of Business Administration (MBA) is an advanced degree that equips business professionals with skills in areas like marketing, human resource management, and business analytics. These programs provide students with a comprehensive understanding of how to manage a business, whether they plan to start their own or manage someone else’s.

Traditional business school programs are expensive and often require full-time enrollment — a deal breaker for many working professionals. However, new MBA alternatives are entering the scene, providing flexible, low-cost options to students.

What are the Cons of the Traditional MBA?

Despite their advantages, traditional MBA programs come with significant drawbacks:

  1. High Costs: The average cost of a traditional MBA is around $61,800, making it one of the most expensive advanced degrees available. Many students end up in substantial debt due to these high tuition fees​.
  2. Time Commitment: Traditional MBA programs typically require full-time enrollment, which means students often cannot work while studying. This time commitment can be a major hurdle for working professionals who cannot afford to pause their careers​.
  3. Generalized Curriculum: Traditional MBA programs often have broad curricula, which may not provide the specialized skills needed for specific industry sectors. This can be a disadvantage for students aiming to enter niche markets or specialized fields.
Chris Barton, founder of Shazam, sitting on set surrounded by cameras, teaching his class on Augment.

Exploring Alternatives to the Traditional MBA

Given these drawbacks, many prospective students are looking for alternative routes to gain business education and credentials. There are several types of alternative MBA programs that offer flexibility, affordability, and specialization.

Online MBAs: Online MBA programs provide the same rigorous education as traditional programs but allow students to complete coursework from anywhere. These programs often offer part-time options, enabling students to balance their studies with work and personal commitments​.

Executive MBAs (EMBAs): Designed for mid-career professionals, EMBAs focus on leadership, strategy, and advanced management skills. These programs typically offer weekend or evening classes, allowing students to continue working while studying​.

Mini MBAs and Certificate Programs: These short-term programs focus on core business concepts and skills. They are ideal for professionals seeking to update their knowledge or gain new skills without committing to a full MBA program. Examples include specialized courses in digital marketing, entrepreneurship, and business analytics​.

Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs): MOOCs, offered by top universities and organizations, provide free or low-cost access to business education. These courses cover foundational topics such as financial accounting, marketing, and operations management. Learners can often earn certificates to enhance their resumes​.

Hybrid Programs: Combining online and in-person elements, hybrid programs offer flexibility while providing opportunities for networking and hands-on learning. These programs are particularly appealing to students who want the best of both worlds.

What is Augment?

By combining the expertise from top industry leaders with the convenience of self-paced online courses, Augment is reshaping the landscape of business education. It's an MBA alternative with courses from the very best in business. Students learn strategies from the founders of Wikipedia, Shazam, Waze, and YouTube — giants who've truly revolutionized business practices.

The Augment Alternative MBA covers critical areas of business such as:

  1. Business Strategy & Innovation
  2. Entrepreneurship
  3. Leadership
  4. Sales
  5. Business Operations
  6. Management
  7. Financial Accounting

Want to know more about the program?

Download the Augment MBA curriculum and book a call with our program advisor to know more about the program


Most people will spend upwards of 80,000 hours at work in their lifetime, yet many know surprisingly little about the intricacies of business. Augment views this gap as a missed opportunity for professional and financial advancement.

Their philosophy is simple: don’t just work—excel in your career by understanding the business world deeply and gaining essential business skills. Whether you aim to climb the corporate ladder, launch your own venture, or increase your wealth, Augment marks the beginning of that journey.

Difference between the Augment MBA and Traditional MBA

The Augment MBA Advantage

With The Augment MBA, you’ll learn how to create an effective business plan, engage and retain customers, communicate with users, lead teams, and master negotiation. You'll also learn about fundraising and the financial mechanisms that power businesses.

What sets Augment apart is the actionable nature of its curriculum. It's designed not just for learning, but for immediate application. The knowledge gained today can be implemented tomorrow, guaranteed.