What is Intrapreneurship? Definition, Duties, and Examples

Intrapreneurship sparks innovation within an established company, empowering employees to launch new projects that push the business forward. It's about nurturing bold ideas and turning them into reality, using the company's resources to fuel growth.

What is Intrapreneurship? Definition, Duties, and Examples
Image of the definition of intrapreneurship branded a augment.org

Definition of Intrapreneurship

Intrapreneurship is the secret weapon of successful companies, where employees with an intrapreneurial mindset work within the existing framework to create innovations that secure the company's future. These employees, known as intrapreneurs, apply entrepreneurial skills to develop new ideas and projects that could turn into profitable ventures for the entire company. They operate like entrepreneurs but without the high personal costs, as they have the support and resources of the established company to bring their visions to life. This approach not only encourages growth but ensures the company remains competitive in a fast-moving business world.


The Evolution and History of Intrapreneurship

The journey of intrapreneurship began as a quiet revolution within the established organizations of the business world. It traces back to when forward-thinking companies recognized the need to encourage intrapreneurship to remain competitive and secure their future. The idea was simple: harness the entrepreneurial spirit within an organization, allowing employees to develop projects and ideas that could lead to major innovations and business growth.

In the past, a new venture within a company required significant investment and risk, often involving venture capital and extensive business plans. However, the concept of intrapreneurship shifted this dynamic, reducing the personal cost to employees and allowing them to act like entrepreneurs while leveraging the resources and support of their existing company. Paul Buchheit, while working at Google, developed Gmail, and Art Fry, in collaboration with 3M, invented the Post-it note — both products of intrapreneurial endeavors within their companies​.

From creating small teams tasked with developing innovative solutions to setting up entire departments dedicated to nurturing new ideas, firms began to realize the benefits of fostering an intrapreneurial environment. This not only added value to the companies but also provided a framework within which intrapreneurs work, grow, and succeed.

The Intrapreneur: Role and Characteristics

The role of an intrapreneur within an organization goes beyond a mere job title—it's a mindset and a critical function.

  • Innovative Mindset: An intrapreneur is responsible for developing fresh ideas that can enhance the company's innovation and help it remain competitive in the market​​.
  • Entrepreneurial Skills: They possess entrepreneurial skills such as creativity, problem-solving, and strategic thinking, crucial for developing new ventures within a company​​.
  • Initiative and Leadership: Intrapreneurs take charge and excel in roles where they can make a significant impact, often leading projects that contribute to the company's success​​.
  • Resourcefulness: They are adept at locating and utilizing the company’s resources to bring ideas to life, balancing the risks and rewards with the support of the employer​​.
  • Discipline and Commitment: Organization, dependability, and a strong work ethic are essential, as intrapreneurs follow through on their commitments to ensure project success​​.

By integrating these elements into their work, intrapreneurs play a pivotal role in propelling the company forward, aligning their innovative projects with the organization's strategic goals, and expanding the business's reach without incurring the full costs associated with entrepreneurship.

Intrapreneurship vs. Entrepreneurship: Understanding the Differences

In the dynamic world of business, intrapreneurship and entrepreneurship share common goals like innovation and value creation, but they differ in environment and approach.

  • Risk and Investment: Entrepreneurs invest their own money and take significant financial risks to launch and grow their businesses, whereas intrapreneurs innovate within the safety net of an established organization, using company resources and support.
  • Autonomy: Entrepreneurs enjoy complete autonomy in decision-making, crafting the business plan and strategy from scratch. In contrast, intrapreneurs must align their initiatives with the company's goals and often work within the parameters set by their employers.
  • Resource Access: While entrepreneurs must secure funding, often through venture capital or loans, intrapreneurs have access to the existing company's resources, which can include a skilled workforce, capital, and a customer base.
  • Impact on Company's Future: The success of an entrepreneur directly shapes their own future and that of their company. For intrapreneurs, their successful innovations contribute to the growth and competitive edge of the larger organization they work for.
  • Job Security: Entrepreneurship comes with the risk of failure and personal financial loss. Intrapreneurs typically do not face the same level of personal financial jeopardy if their innovative projects do not succeed.

Understanding these differences is crucial for recognizing the unique contributions of intrapreneurs in driving forward the innovation and competitiveness of an established company, while also valuing the bold risks and independent spirit of entrepreneurs.

How Intrapreneurship Drives Business Growth and Innovation

Intrapreneurship is a driving force for business growth and innovation, transforming organizations from within.

  • Fostering an Entrepreneurial Environment: Companies that cultivate an entrepreneurial environment encourage their employees to think and act like entrepreneurs. This mindset leads to the development of new ideas and projects that can evolve into significant revenue streams for the company.
  • Leveraging Employee Skills and Leadership: Employees, especially those with strong leadership qualities and a broad skill set, can act as intrapreneurs. They are often in the best position to identify areas for innovation and growth within the company.
  • Creating Value and Competition: Intrapreneurs help companies create value in new and existing markets. By fostering innovation, they ensure that firms remain competitive in a rapidly changing business landscape.
  • Strategic Investment of Time and Resources: Intrapreneurship involves strategically investing the company's resources, such as money, time, and workforce, to turn an innovative idea into a profitable venture.
  • Recognizing and Developing Potential: Successful intrapreneurs are recognized for their potential to develop projects that can significantly impact the brand and the organization's future.
  • Building on the Company's Foundation: Instead of starting from zero, intrapreneurs build on the existing foundation of their company. They use the established system, brand recognition, and customer base to grow the business.

Intrapreneurship aligns the innovative drive of individual employees with the goals and resources of the company, leading to sustained growth and ensuring that the organization stays ahead in the game of innovation.

6 Steps for Implementing Intrapreneurship in Your Company

Implementing intrapreneurship within a company is a strategic process that unlocks innovation and drives growth.

  1. Cultivate the Right Environment: Creating an environment where employees feel empowered to act like entrepreneurs is the first step. Encourage the sharing of ideas and provide opportunities for workers to take ownership of projects.
  2. Identify and Nurture Skills: Look for employees who demonstrate the necessary skills to be successful intrapreneurs. These individuals often show initiative, are willing to take on risks, and have a knack for seeing projects through.
  3. Encourage Idea Generation: Establish systems that encourage employees to develop and share their ideas. Whether it's through brainstorming sessions or an internal idea submission platform, make it easy for employees to contribute.
  4. Provide Resources and Support: Once an idea is recognized, provide the intrapreneur with the necessary resources. This could include time away from their regular job, a budget, and access to mentors or advisors within the company.
  5. Develop a Framework for Execution: Help intrapreneurs by creating a clear process for developing their ideas. This might involve setting up a dedicated department or team and establishing a clear pathway from concept to execution.
  6. Measure and Adapt: Implement metrics to measure the success of intrapreneurial efforts. Use these insights to adapt strategies and processes, ensuring the ongoing success of the intrapreneurship program.

By following these steps, companies can foster a culture where intrapreneurs thrive, leading to continued innovation and a stronger competitive edge in the market.

Case Studies: Successful Intrapreneurship Examples

Intrapreneurship can lead to remarkable innovations within established companies. Here are just a few examples:

  • 3M's Post-it Notes: Spencer Silver, a scientist at 3M, developed a repositionable adhesive, but it was Art Fry, another 3M employee, who saw the commercial application. Fry used the adhesive to anchor his bookmark in his hymnbook. This collaboration and intrapreneurial effort led to the creation of Post-it Notes, a staple office product worldwide​​.
  • Nestlé's Soothe 'N' Chew: At Nestlé, Stéphanie Daru capitalized on her product development experience to create Soothe ‘N’ Chew, a product designed to address infant teething issues. It's an innovation born from Nestlé’s InGenius Intrapreneurs program, showcasing how intrapreneurs can solve real-world problems under a company's umbrella​​.
  • Lockheed Martin's Skunk Works: Kelly Johnson, at Lockheed Martin, founded the Skunk Works project, an advanced development program that operates semi-autonomously within the larger organization. This program has been responsible for some of Lockheed's most innovative aircraft designs, demonstrating the value of allowing intrapreneurs to work independently within a firm​​.
  • Google's Gmail: Developed by Paul Buchheit while at Google, Gmail revolutionized email services with its innovative features. It was a product of Google's policy allowing engineers to spend 20% of their time on side projects, which has resulted in multiple successful ventures for the company​​.
  • Frito-Lay's Flamin' Hot Cheetos: Richard Montañez, who started as a janitor at Frito-Lay, developed Flamin' Hot Cheetos, which became one of the company's most successful products. His intrapreneurial drive and deep understanding of the company's customer base led to a new product line that significantly impacted Frito-Lay's sales and product offerings​​.

These case studies show that when organizations provide an environment where employees can channel their entrepreneurial spirit, it can result in innovations that redefine brands and drive significant business growth.

Overcoming Challenges: Best Practices for Fostering Intrapreneurship

Fostering intrapreneurship within a company can be challenging, but with the right practices, these hurdles can be overcome to create a thriving entrepreneurial environment.

  • Empower Employees: Encourage employees to bring forward their ideas and give them the autonomy to pursue them like an entrepreneur within the organization.
  • Provide Resources and Training: Allocate time and resources to help intrapreneurs develop their ideas. Offer training that sharpens their skills in innovation and project management.
  • Cultivate a Supportive Culture: Create a company culture that values and supports intrapreneurship. Recognize efforts and celebrate successes to motivate intrapreneurs.
  • Foster Collaboration: Encourage collaboration among employees, managers, and different departments. A collaborative effort can bring diverse perspectives and expertise to an intrapreneurial project.
  • Address Failure Constructively: When efforts don’t lead to success, use these experiences as learning opportunities. Avoid penalizing failure to maintain a culture where employees are not afraid to take risks.
  • Integrate Intrapreneurship into Business Strategy: Make intrapreneurship a part of the business strategy by setting clear objectives and expectations for innovation within the company.

Recognizing and Rewarding Intrapreneurs

Recognizing and rewarding intrapreneurs is crucial for sustaining an innovative culture within a company. Here are some strategies to effectively acknowledge their contributions:

  • Acknowledgment Programs: Implement programs that publicly recognize the efforts of intrapreneurs. This can range from company-wide emails to awards ceremonies, highlighting their contributions and successes.
  • Performance Incentives: Align incentives with intrapreneurial achievements. Whether it’s bonuses, stock options, or profit-sharing, providing financial rewards can motivate intrapreneurs to continue innovating.
  • Career Advancement: Offer clear paths for career progression to intrapreneurs who demonstrate success. This could involve promotions, leadership roles, or opportunities to work on more significant projects.
  • Resource Allocation: Reward successful intrapreneurs with increased resources for their next projects, such as larger teams, budgets, or access to advanced technology.
  • Professional Development: Invest in the professional growth of intrapreneurs by sponsoring their attendance at conferences, workshops, or further education that can enhance their skills.
  • Ownership and Autonomy: Allow intrapreneurs to have a stake in the projects they develop. This can include intellectual property rights or leadership roles in the project as it grows within the business.

By implementing these recognition and reward systems, companies can ensure that intrapreneurs feel valued and are motivated to continue driving innovation like an entrepreneur within the firm.

Why Intrapreneurship Matters More Than Ever

Embracing intrapreneurship is not just a strategy; it's a commitment to continuous innovation and a pledge to empower those who drive it. It's about creating a workspace where the entrepreneurial mindset flourishes, leading to breakthroughs that keep a company at the forefront of its industry. The presence of intrapreneurs within an organization signals a future-oriented mindset, ensuring that a company not only responds to the changes of today but actively shapes the trends of tomorrow.